Wednesday, 5 November 2014

artist inforomation: Louis Comfort Tiffany

Information on Louis Comfort Tiffany

Louis Comfort Tiffany (February 18, 1848 – January 17, 1933) always wanted to show his audience the beauty of nature. He loved his father despite having a lot of differences and that he wanted to study nature for his many art projects. He is mainly known for his art style, which is called “stained glass”, where you have many coloured pieces of glass and you cut and combine them to create an entirely new picture full of bright and bold colours. This technique you can see in your local church buildings. He used this technique to create windows, lamps and pottery, which shines out uniquely and looks beautiful. He even had over 5000 different sheets of coded glass in his work shop so that he can pick which one he felt right to go on to his final art work and he can be more precise in what colours to use. He also engaged a chemist to find out how to create the coloured glass and although he is intelligent he liked to spend money and finding ways to gain lots of money. Considering that most of his artwork focussed on the beauty in nature he mainly focusses on the butterflies and he believed that handmade object had more value than something that was created by machines.

His fortune went downhill around 1913 where a new artist showed up and Louis became out of date, he was angry and hurt about it and died at the age of 84.


The feeling and understating I got from the artist

I have a great deal of appreciation on his dedication for his art works, his artwork itself is really bright and colourful, which I love to see instead of dark, bland and brooding. His work obviously shows beauty, which is what he is trying to portray to his audience. My personal favourite of his art work has to be his lamps, just looking at them it must have been difficult to create a majestic picture around an odd shape and that unlike his other artwork, such as his windows, they require light to shine though however his lamps has already has light inside it so you can view its beauty even at night.  
Artist artwork

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