Monday, 8 December 2014

What 'IF" metroplis, Louis Comfort Building Model

The picture above shows the difference between mine (on the left) and Simon's (on the right) model of a tree. He told me that it's best to start from the top and move down. I took his advice and created the tree all over again and created my second model (shown below) however my second model looks amazing in comparison to my first prototype of my building so I continued and created the finished building and going to continue to create more that will connect them all and some more designs so they wont look the same.


Samantha said...

Well done! The building is looking really cool : )

Unknown said...

Jacky, these are looking great!! Can't wait to see it finished :)

Unknown said...

Thank you, these comments mean a lot to me, however as of now I'm struggling with the UV layout... Has anyone mastered it or can give me tips?

Much appreciated.