Sunday, 25 January 2015

Life Drawing Class

In life drawing class we had another new male model to draw. 

The first drawing I was a little slow and the more I drew the more I caught up with my natural drawing speed. 

 Second drawing I seemed to have struggled as the angle was different from what I was used to, sadly I didn't get to finish it as just like the first drawing I was a little slow.

Same goes with this one however I will add that I did put in as much detail as I could for the face and body and focused mainly on the shading and where the shadows are. Even though I didn't complete it i still drew in lines where the legs and arm will be so that everyone would be able to tell where they would be if i did completed it. 

The last drawing was a 10 minute drawing so I focused the face as many would say that the face is the hardest to draw and the most people would be more attention to. I wanted to get the skill so that I'm able to draw characters faces more naturally and easily. 

1 comment:

tutorphil said...

you've captured a real sense of melancholy in the model, Jacky - he looks so sad!